Asset - Training Type
Training Type asset in WorkSignals
Introducing the Training Type asset from the Safe Work category of the WorkSignals mobile app. This asset allows you to capture specific, required training information and helps you better evaluate employee skills and abilities.
Similar assets are the Training Type Risk Assessment, Worksite Risk Assessment and Safe Work Risk Notification assets. Training Type can be used with other assets in the Safe Work category including Fire Prevention and Incident Investigation to gain a deeper understanding of safety processes and procedures.
The Training Type asset is part of the WorkSignals forms suite, and is part of the Safe Work category.
The Training Type asset contains the following fields:
- Title (Type: Text Entry)
- Valid days (Type: Text Entry)
- Workers Completed (Type: Add entry to list)
Here's a preview of the Training Type asset inside the mobile app:

Forms in safe work:
- Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
- JSA (Job Safety Analysis)
- Worker Training Register
- Incident & Injury Register